The following is an excerpt from the October 19, 2009 Capital Planning and Project Management construction update regarding the new Science Teaching and Student Services Building (ST+SS):
Delivery traffic will be heavy along Pleasant Street over the next two weeks. Both glass curtain wall panels and precast panel deliveries are landing simultaneously - a hard push to get the building enclosed before winter.
The street may be closed at times by a flagman for a few minutes in order to get truck in and out of the staging area. Please plan your travel around the area accordingly and use alternative routes whenever possible.
Presentations delivered by Nate Meath and Bob Quinney at the Minnesota State Colleges & Universities Resource 25 User Symposium on October 16 at Hennepin Technical College.
The Office of Classroom Management's scheduling unit will be hosting Scheduling University (Scheduling "U") 2009 on Monday, October 26 through Friday, November 13 for approximately one hour each day.
Scheduling "U" will be held in both Minneapolis and St. Paul, covering topics such as:
As we move into the cooler seasons of fall and winter, we would like to take a moment to explain Facilities Management's role in transitioning from building cooling to building heating systems. The process of switching from a cooling to heating system varies by building and area of campus and can sometimes take several weeks.
The transition to heating is significantly more complicated than the change to cooling. Once the heating systems are up and running, the cooling system is shut off permanently until the following spring. If heating units are turned on prematurely it can cause great discomfort in buildings.
While Facilities Management typically starts this changeover by October 15, some buildings need to be handled differently and can experience a change in temperature both earlier and later than this projected time.
Please be aware that until the cooling to heating transition takes place, we have very limited options for bringing warm air to many of our buildings. As the outside temperatures reach below 40 degrees, we anticipate that some areas may experience uncomfortable temperatures. Please be patient with us if your building or space becomes too cold due to outside temperatures.