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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Fall 2021 scheduling

President Gabel announced last week that we should plan for a return to normal operations this fall. With this announcement, we are expecting a stronger in-person presence for classes.

Instruction modalities

Per the Provost’s message on March 12, instructors will be required to get approval from their unit heads to change their class format from In-Person to a Blended, Remote, or Online offering. Course updates will be required in ECAS by July 1, 2021 (if not already approved for online offerings) for Blended, Remote, and Online offerings but may be scheduled in CCS with provisional approval.

Note: This approval requirement had been waived in the last few semesters due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but will now be required again with our move to normal operations.

  • Online and Remote: ECAS updates will include updating the online course question to “Yes” and providing an updated syllabus to document the new modality for fall 2021. Department and collegiate approval must be obtained prior to ECAS submission.
  • Blended: ECAS updates will require providing an updated syllabus to document the new modality for fall 2021. Department and collegiate approval must be obtained prior to ECAS submission.


Widespread access to COVID-19 testing for all students, faculty, and staff will continue, as well as requirements for face coverings and physical distancing for the time being. With the return to normal operations, we will initially be assigning classrooms based on standard room capacities (no distancing). However, classrooms will not be assigned prior to registration.

It is also understood that we may need to adjust distancing for fall semester based on updated guidance. We are planning for multiple scenarios, with continual evaluation of plans in place throughout the summer. To view classroom capacities with various distancing for scenario planning (standard, 6’, and 3’), see this Google sheet.


CCS will close at the end of day March 29,2021 and will reopen on April 5, 2021 to make final, emergent changes to the fall schedule prior to registration beginning on April 12, 2021.

As always, we will remain responsive to public health guidance, and we will pivot or adjust if needed.

Making changes to variable credits

With May/summer session nearing and fall registration almost underway, please make the final changes to classes requiring set credits. After financial aid has been disbursed, the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.

If you need to change the number of credits for a class from a variable number to a set number, email ocmsched@umn.edu.

May/Summer semester 2021

Registration has begun for summer 2021. As it was in fall 2020 and spring 2021, we are using the class formats identified in the Class Format Guide for summer 2021. Instructors can choose their modality. ECAS updates are also not required for modality changes that are meant to be temporary. 6' physical distancing will be enforced in classrooms (see Room Search for current capacities).

Spring 2021 final exams reminder

Final exams for spring 2021 will take place Thursday, May 6 - Wednesday, May, 12, 2021 with Study Days on Tuesday, May 4, Wednesday, May 5, and Sunday, May 9.

All Remote Instruction (online synchronous) and Online Classes (online asynchronous) final exams will be conducted online.

All In-Person Classes and Blended Classes final exams will default to being conducted online due to space constraints created by physical distancing in classrooms. However, classes scheduled as In-Person or Blended may choose to request an exception to allow for their final exam to be held in-person using the Final Exam Change Request Form, which was to be submitted by March 15, 2021.

Note: All common exams must be held online, no matter the class format, as space will not be available to allow for in-person common exams. Exceptions will not be granted.

General purpose classrooms will be available throughout finals week for students who wish to find space on campus to take an e-proctored exam. Availability can be viewed on Room Search.