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Monday, November 29, 2010

Scheduling Update: November 29, 2010

Electronic Course Scheduling (ECS) period 3 for May/summer session 2011 (1115) is now open.

During period 3, OCM asks that you make changes due to unforeseen circumstances (cancel, add, change). Changes to meeting time(s) or enrollments greater than room capacity will result in loss of the central room assignment. Department R25 users make departmental room assignments.

Read the rest of this update, featuring the announcement of the fall final exam schedule, information about a new budgeting tool, and a link to the Course Guide survey, or view the scheduling update archive.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Printing services now available in STSS

The Office of Classroom Management is piloting multi-function
printing in student study spaces. Science Teaching & Student
Services, first floor study space is the first study space to house a
printer. The printer is setup on the Office of Information Technology's Pharos printing system and is a pay-as-you-print system.

The printer is available through the Gopher GOLD program, which is accessed via your U Card. All inquiries about charges made on your Gopher GOLD account should be directed to the U Card office.

Go to Study space printers to download the necessary drivers and learn more about how to print in student study space. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Scheduling U 2010 presentations

Scheduling U 2010 has finished its three week run. The sessions were well attended and created great discussions. We are already looking forward to next year. Click on the links below to review the presentations.

We want to continue to make the sessions useful for you. If you have suggestions for topics or improvements for the next year, email classrm@umn.edu.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Scheduling update: November 15, 2010

Electronic Course Scheduling (ECS) in PeopleSoft is now available for fall 2011 (1119) and spring 2012 (1123) class schedule production. Review the class production calendar for important scheduling dates, scheduling policy summary for policy information, and class schedule production instructions for ECS assistance.

Read the rest of this update, featuring a link to the online request form for approval of non-standard meeting times, news about the revised course scheduling policy, and information about updating instructor information, or view the scheduling update archive.

Fall 2011 and spring 2012 ECS period 1 open

Fall 2011 and spring 2012 Electronic Course Scheduling
period one opened Monday, November 15. During period one department
schedulers are expected to update course information (i.e., delete, add,
change) and submit all requests.

Course scheduling tips:

  • Set enrollment limits and requested room capacities based on previous term's course enrollment +/- 10%.
  • Spread course load across standard times and all five weekdays.
  • Delete sections that are not going to be offered fall 2011 or spring 2012.
  • Move non-standard courses to a standard time.
  • Increase utilization of departmental classrooms.

Please remember all courses meeting at a non-standard time will need a Request for Approval of Non-Standard Meeting Time/Day Pattern form.

For more information about scheduling policies, critical dates, and resources visit the OCM website or email the scheduling unit at classrm@umn.edu.