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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Position announcement: OCM Academic Scheduling Process Coordinator

The Office of Classroom Management has an opening for a second Process Coordinator (1897 - Program/Project Specialist), Job ID 307147, to support central academic scheduling. PeopleSoft and Astra Schedule experience are preferred, but not required. We encourage all interested parties to apply for this position. 

To review this job posting, please follow the following link:

If the link does not work, current employees can use the following path to see all UMN job postings: MyU > Key Links > Employee Center > My Resources > Employment/ Job openings.

Verify class notes

There are many class notes for summer 2016 (1165), fall 2016 (1169), and spring 2017 (1173) that appear to have incorrect information on the Class Search. Remember to verify all class notes for your department and updating as required in CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes. Class notes roll forward from the previous like term. It is a department scheduler’s responsibility to ensure that class notes associated with your classes are still applicable. 

Summer 2016 (1165) scheduling resources

CCS continues to be open for May/summer 2016 (1165). Registration begins April 12. Remember to cancel any class sections that have rolled forward but will not be taking place and to update any class sections that require changes. Classroom have already been assigned and we will continue to monitor new sections added. 

Be sure to review the class scheduling guidelines available on OCM’s website to review resources available to assist you in scheduling classes. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Updated resource for classroom searches

The Office of Classroom Management (OCM) has an updated resource to search for classrooms which now also includes departmental classrooms.

The newly revised OCM Room Search allows you to find general purpose classrooms, departmental classrooms, and/or general purpose computer labs that meet your specifications. You can filter by campus, building, capacity, feature and/or room type. Room details, including capacities, layout, photo and links to campus maps will appear on the right side of the screen upon selection of a room.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Confirm your room assignments for spring (1163)

Spring semester starts soon! Review the Class Search for your department to ensure all classes requiring a general purpose classroom have been assigned a room. ContactScheduling with any questions.

To note: Room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of term. While this usually only affects a small number of classes, please encourage the instructors in your department to verify their classroom assignment before the first class meeting. 

If you are not planning to offer a course section, remember to email ocmsched@umn.eduso we can release the room assignment.

Class Cancellation policy

The last day for spring 2016 class cancellations is January 25, 2016.  According to theCourse Enrollment Limits and Cancellation policy, colleges (and sometimes departments) maintain policies regarding low-enrollment course sections. Sections may not be cancelled after the fifth day of classes for the term. Each college should have its guidelines for cancelling low enrollment classes on its website.

Update room characteristics

Make sure to update room characteristic information during CCS Open. This provides OCM with information about the type of room in which the instructor would like to teach. It also helps students and instructors by not having to move a class during the first week of classes because the instructor didn't get the type of room they wanted.

Tips for getting the right classroom:
  • Check with the instructor to verify the appropriate room characteristics.
  • Don't request room characteristics that conflict with each other (e.g., Active Learning Classrooms and Tablet Arm Chairs or West Bank and East Bank). Use theRoom Search tool to learn which rooms have which room features.
  • Choose a maximum of four room characteristics. Choosing multiple room characteristics limits the number of possible classrooms.

Setting end dates for reserve capacity

Remember to set an end date for reserve capacity requirement groups for spring 2016, fall 2016 and spring 2017. The end date should be set to the Friday before the start of the term or earlier.
  • Spring 2016 (1163) - Set to Friday 1/15/2016 (or earlier)
  • Fall 2016 (1169) - Set to Friday 9/2/2016 (or earlier)
  • Spring 2017 (1173) - Set to Friday 1/13/2017 (or earlier)