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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Review spring 2021 room assignments

While OCM is still working to assign classrooms for all classes, most room assignments for spring 2021 are available on the Class Schedule. Most classes that needed a general purpose classroom received one. However, we are still working to find room for others. Please review assignments for your department to ensure all classes requiring a general purpose classroom have been assigned.

Please note the following:
  • If you notice a class without a room assignment, notify ocmsched@umn.edu ASAP so we can work to find a classroom.
  • Remind instructors to verify their classroom assignment before the first class, as room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of the term. Also, be aware that many instructors will be teaching in buildings that may be new to them. Know that we made every effort to get classes into the buildings they normally teach in, or at least, we assigned buildings close to it.
  • If you plan to schedule classes in departmental space, please notify ocmsched@umn.edu if it means a general purpose classroom can be released, or if you need any assistance.

Departmental spaces and labs for spring 2021 reminder

Classes in departmentally controlled classrooms, labs, and specialized department rooms were not rescheduled by OCM. However, these spaces must still comply with physical distancing guidelines.
  • If you need assistance in determining the physical distancing capacities for your departmental classrooms, please submit a request to the online Space Management Request form.
    • The Space Management department will contact you shortly after receiving the request to review in further detail.

Spring 2021 session date changes

The Regents recently approved to move spring break for both the UGRD and GRAD career students to take place from April 5 - 9. Currently, the professional schools are still deciding on their spring break dates. This change for UGRD and GRAD did affect the dates for the upcoming 1st and 2nd half term classes and have been updated as indicated below. A complete list of session dates may be found online.
  • First Half of Term (session 009): 1/19/2021 - 3/8/2021
  • Second Half of Term (session 010): 3/9/2021 - 5/3/2021

Astra server upgrade

There will be an upgrade to the Astra server on October 28, 2020. Astra will not be available to make any changes from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. on that day.