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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Upcoming important dates


  • 4/9/24 - CCS User Workshop - FRFY (Freshman Full Year)
  • 4/11/24 - Fall 2024 (1249) registrations begins
  • 4/11/24 - Fall 2024 waitlist auto-enroll process begins


  • 5/2/24-5/8/24 - Spring 2024 (1243) Final exams 
  • 5/14/24 - CCS User Workshop - Coursedog and CCS
  • 5/13/24 - May session and summer 13,14, and 15-week classes begin


Spring 2024 final exams

Final exam week is rapidly approaching for spring 2024. The list of final exams and common exams that have been scheduled is available on the Spring 2024 Final Exam and Common Exam Scheduled Rooms spreadsheet.

If you do not see a class on that list and know the class intends to have an in-person final exam, please fill out the final exam request as soon as possible.

Classroom hours during finals week (spring 2024)

Final exams for spring 2024 begin Thursday, May 2. The last day of exams is Wednesday, May 8. Official University final exam schedules are available online.

  • Final exam dates: Thursday, May 2 - Saturday, May 4, and Monday, May 6 - Wednesday, May 8
  • Study Days: Tuesday, April 30, Wednesday, May 1, and Sunday, May 5

General purpose classroom hours will be extended on Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5 to meet the needs of students and faculty during finals week. Weekday hours will remain unchanged during finals week. See standard operating hours.

During finals week, weekend classroom and building hours will be adjusted as follows:

  • Saturday, May 4 (Final Exam Date): All general purpose classrooms will be open 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 5 (Study Day): All general purpose classrooms in weekend buildings will be open from 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Weekend buildings include:
    • East Bank: Bruininks Hall, Folwell Hall, Keller Hall, Nicholson Hall, Rapson Hall
    • West Bank: Blegen Hall, CSOM, Hanson Hall, Humphrey Center
    • St. Paul: McNeal Hall, Peters Hall, Ruttan Hall
  • Weekday hours will remain unchanged.

After final exams week, we will return to our standard operating hours.

Be sure to carry your U Card with you at all times. Most buildings will require your U Card for exterior building access.

May/Summer 2024 updates

Please contact ocmsched@umn.edu about May/Summer classes if:

  • A class does not have a room assignment and needs one.
  • A variable credit class needs to have a set number of credits for summer 2024.
    • After financial aid has been disbursed, the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.
  • A class with enrollment needs to be canceled.

Fall 2024 (1249) classroom assignments

At this time, we are still working on getting classrooms assigned for fall, and around 5% of classes still need classrooms. Classroom availability for large lecture halls is very limited. We may not be able to accommodate enrollment capacity increases or meeting pattern changes for certain times of the day. Please check with ocmsched@umn.edu before making any changes.  

As a reminder, OCM only works to find general-purpose classrooms for classes that are lecture or discussion sections with a blank Facility ID in CCS. If a class is typically held in a specific departmentally-owned classroom, please assign those classrooms to those classes.

If the Facility ID field is populated, OCM will not actively look for a classroom for your class. This includes populating it with a virtual space, such as:

  • ROOM000TBA (room to be assigned) - the CCS scheduler will be adding a departmental or other room to a class section or meeting pattern.
  • NORMREQD (no room required) - no room is required for the class section and/or meeting pattern.
  • ONLINEONLY (online only) - the class section or meeting pattern of the class will be conducted completely online, so no classroom is needed.
  • REMOTE (remote instruction) - the class section or meeting pattern of the class will be conducted remotely, so no classroom is needed.
  • AHC000TBA (AHC room to be assigned) - no GPC is needed.
  • LAB000TBA (lab section - room to be assigned) - no GPC is needed.
  • NO000PRINT - the class section has the “schedule print” box unchecked and a GPC will not be required.

If a class has one of these virtual rooms assigned and it now needs a classroom, contact ocmsched@umn.edu.

All room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of the term. While this usually affects only a small number of classes, we encourage departments and instructors to verify their classroom assignments before the first class meeting.

Fall 2024 class schedule changes

Queued registration for fall 2024 begins Thursday, April 11, 2024. To ensure students have the greatest success, please make sure to finalize the following information in the class schedule prior to registration:

  • Confirm that session dates are set to the most reflective session.
  • If choosing a set number of credits for a variable credit class, make those changes before students register by emailing ocmsched@umn.edu.
  • Confirm grading basis. If changes need to be made, submit changes through Coursedog.
  • All date, day, and time changes should be made before students register to minimize student conflicts.

If any of the above information needs to be changed after students have registered, email ocmsched@umn.edu to determine if changes may still be made. 

TIP: Class permission numbers for fall 2024

The class permission number batch process has already run and created permission numbers for fall 2024 classes. This process only runs once for a semester. What does this mean for newly created class sections? You will need to create permission numbers for those sections. Please follow this guide on how to create permission numbers per class section. 

7 things class schedulers should know about instructor assignments in CCS

  1. Approve access is required to enter and submit grades.
  2. Grade access allows you to enter grades but not submit them.
  3. Multiple component classes need an instructor assigned to each component. 
  4. Your primary instructor on a non-graded non-enrollment lecture section cannot enter grades unless they are also the instructor for the lab and/or discussion sections.
  5. The Print checkbox determines if an instructor (or proxy) is listed on the Class Search and Schedule Builder.
  6. The Classes Missing Instructor Information query will find classes with enrollment but without instructors. This is located in the Reporting Center.
  7. Instructors (and proxies) will roll forward each term. It is the CCS Schedulers responsibility to ensure that instructors and proxies who are no longer associated with a class section are removed. 

Room Scheduling RFP

Academic Support Resources (ASR) and Office of Classroom Management (OCM) have an active Request for Proposals (RFP) for the University’s academic room scheduling system to ensure that the tools we use meet the evolving needs of the institution and comply with University policy. Astra is the University’s current academic room scheduling system vendor.

At this point, we have received vendor responses and conducted demos and usability with two finalists, and we have made reference calls to determine a fit with the University's needs. ASR is working with Purchasing, the Office of the General Counsel, and University Information Security to negotiate a contract with our top finalist. More information will be available, including a project timeline, when a contract is signed. 

CCS user workshops

Please join us for our monthly CCS user workshops. These workshops allow us to connect with our departmental schedulers and review relevant topics.

These workshops are conducted over Zoom on the second Tuesday of the month from 11:00-11:30 a.m. (15–20 minute presentation with time for discussion). 

To attend a workshop, simply add the class schedule production calendar to your Google Calendar:

A Zoom meeting link and materials will be added to the calendar event closer to the day of the workshop. 

Upcoming topics

  • April 9th - FRFY (Freshman Full Year) set up
  • May 14th - Coursedog and CCS