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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Scheduling update: A few things to remember about Course Requirements

When entering requests for course requirements (i.e., prerequisites) in ECAS, it is important to know that the field "Prerequisites for Catalog"
is for text that will display on the University Course Catalog as well
as in the Class Schedule. Those who oversee the catalog queue in ECAS
edit this text field to conform to University standards and
conventions. These requirements are not enforced.

To have a course requirement enforced,
the course must have an Enrollment Requirement Group (ERG) code
constructed and the "Enforced Prerequisites" field must
be populated in the request in ECAS. The text in this field is
interpreted literally and can only include items that can be found on
students' records (e.g., courses taken, major plan codes, student
groups, and academic levels in 15 credit increments). Grade points
cannot be used as criteria. Conventions include using "or" and "and"
between conditions where appropriate, or commas for a sequence of
conditions. Courses can be required either as a prerequisite or a
co-requisite, the latter designated by an ampersand (&) before the
course designator number.

"Consents" is yet
another separate field of "buttons" in ECAS. There can only be one form
of consent on a course. Putting "instr consent" or "dept consent" in
this field means a student must obtain a permission number.