All schedulers should plan to attend the annual scheduling workshop series, Scheduling U! This year, there will be three sessions. Visit the Scheduling U website to see the complete list, dates, and times.
- Scheduling Update: East Bank (10/15), West Bank (10/16), St Paul (10/18) Join the scheduling unit to learn about new classroom scheduling software, classroom updates, policy updates, the PeopleSoft course/class coding project, and the new scheduling distribution policy outcomes.
- Academic Scheduler Orientation/Refresher: East Bank (10/17), West Bank (10/15), St Paul (10/18)
Whether new to academic scheduling or simply looking for a refresher, this session will provide important information about scheduling processes, policies, and procedures. Topics covered include ECS tips and tricks, ECAS, and the academic schedule production cycle.
- Academic Health Center Scheduling: East bank (10/19)
Discuss issues, problems, and solutions about scheduling with scheduling colleagues from departments across the Academic Health Center (AHC).