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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CTS will discontinue event support and AV equipment rental effective May 15

Effective May 16, 2013, Classroom Technical Services (CTS) event support and AV equipment rental services will be discontinued. This will be the only change in services. CTS remains very invested in the design and installation of classroom presentation systems, as well as dynamic digital signage services.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact Wanda Marsolek. For future event services and support, CTS recommends working with Audio Visual & Video Resources (AVVR). Contact Tom Anderson at toma@avvr.com. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Scheduling Update: Review your department's final exam schedule

Final exams begin Monday, May 13. Be sure to review the spring 2013 final exam schedule for your department and then forward the information to instructors. To review final exams, click on the college, followed by the subject, then the course. Click on the little cross in the box next to "Meetings On or After Today" to review the time and location.

Questions about final exam policy?

Scheduling Update: Upcoming change to classroom schedule viewers

The classroom schedule viewers will have limited availability and view-only access starting Friday, May 17, 2013 until Monday, May 20. Request forms will not be available.

On May 20, 2013, OCM will launch a new electronic event request system calledAstra Schedule. An event request quick start guide will be available that includes instructions on how to request an event using the new system. OCM scheduling staff will also be conducting software demonstrations at various locations across campus: 
  • Saint Paul: Tuesday, May 21, 9 -10 a.m., Ruttan B35

  • West Bank: Wednesday, May 22, 2:30-3:30 p.m., Blegen 10

  • East Bank: Thursday, May 23, 9-10 a.m., Nicholson 155

If you have questions about this change, email OCMSoftwareHELP@umn.edu

Scheduling Update: Spring 2014 classroom optimization in progress

ECS period 2 for spring 2014 (1143) is now in progress. However, ECS will be unavailable for spring 2014 scheduling until May 28, 2013. During this time, OCM will schedule general purpose classrooms and work with college representatives to review compliance with the class scheduling policy. Check the Class Scheduling Distribution Summary to see how your department aligns with these policies.

ECS Period 3 will be from May 29 - June 11, 2013. Please note the change in end date posted on previous production calendars. Freshman orientation starts on June 11 this year and registration for fall 2013 will begin June 12.

Scheduling Update: Reminder about classroom placements

All academic room assignments are tentative prior to the start of the semester. Changes will continue to be made to the Class Schedule throughout the spring and summer months. While we do our best to accommodate individual preferences, we cannot guarantee all requests will be fulfilled.

Scheduling Update: New fax number

OCM has a new fax number: 612-626-1754. If the former fax number (612-626-1778) is listed on your website, please update accordingly. The current Classroom Technical Services (CTS) fax number will remain the same.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Scheduling Update: Upcoming change to classroom schedule viewers

The classroom schedule viewers will have limited availability and view-only access starting Friday, May 17, 2013 until Monday, May 20. Request forms will not be available.

The websites that will be affected by this outage include the following:

On May 20, 2013, OCM will launch a new electronic event request system: Astra Schedule. An event request quick start guide will be available for use that includes instructions on how to request an event using the new system. OCM scheduling staff will also be conducting software demonstrations at various locations across campus. Dates and locations of these demonstrations will be announced in upcoming Scheduling Updates. If you have questions about this change, please email OCMSoftwareHELP@umn.edu.

Scheduling Update: East Bank, West Bank, or Saint Paul?

An increasing trend is for departments to schedule classes on multiple campus locations (East Bank, West Bank, and/or St. Paul). Please remember, as you are entering your data for spring 2014 (1143), that setting a campus location is a two step process involving two equally important fields: location and room characteristics:

Make sure the location field on the Basic Data panel in ECS is set to the correct campus location (it defaults to East Bank). This is the field that populates on the Class Schedule.

Make sure you select East Bank, West Bank, or St. Paul as a room characteristic on the Meetings panel in Maintain Schedule of Classes within ECS. This is the field that informs the scheduling unit where you want the class to meet.

Scheduling Update: Registration for May/summer and fall 2013 begins next week

Registration for May/summer 2013 (1135) begins Tuesday, April 9. Registration for fall 2013 (1139) begins Thursday, April 11.

The start of queued registration coincides with the beginning of ECS period 4. During ECS period 4, department schedulers can make late changes to the schedule or add courses, but changes may result in the loss of classroom assignment. Cancellations must be submitted to college offices for approval.

If you plan to add large class sections (more than 70) to the class schedule, please be sure to consult with the Scheduling Unit (ocmsched@umn.edu) to ensure a general purpose classroom is available.

Scheduling Update: Final changes in ECS for spring 2014

Class scheduling in ECS is in full swing for spring 2014 (1143). Remember to distribute classes and enrollments evenly throughout the day and week.

There has been an increase in the number of Monday/Wednesday 75 minute classes. This increase can only be maintained if departments spread their classes across both the day and the week. More departments are being asked to change their meeting patterns because there is a higher demand for large lecture halls during the busiest times on campus (Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-noon). You will have the best chance of getting the room you want if you schedule a course outside of those times.

Refer to the class scheduling policy summary and FAQ for a refresher. There is no requirement to schedule classes at a particular time, but it is required that classes and enrollments are evenly distributed throughout the day and week. The Class Scheduling Distribution Summary shows the class demand of a department or college.

Scheduling Update: Review your department's spring 2013 final exams

The spring 2013 final exam schedule for general purpose classrooms is now available. Be sure to look at department courses for accuracy. To review final exams, click on the college, followed by subject, and then course. Then click on the plus sign in the box next to "meetings on or after today" to review the final exam time and location.

Please forward room locations to instructors to ensure they know where their final exam(s) will take place. 

Questions about the final exam policy?