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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome to fall 2013!

Summer classroom renovations and updates 
Several general purpose classrooms received environment or technology updates during the summer. Some of these updates included the following:

  • Willey Hall partition - The large motorized partition in Willey Hall 125 and 175 was replaced. See photos of the construction and finished product here.
  • Video conferencing classrooms - Magrath 4, Peik 165, and Peters 145 were added to the OCM inventory.
  • Furnishing upgrades - Keller 3-230 and Borlaug 335 and 365 received new furniture, finishes, lighting, and A/V equipment.
  • Technology feature upgrades were completed in more than 50 rooms. Room features can be found on the newly revised room inventory page.
  • STSS 114 - Two classrooms in the Science Teaching & Student Services building (STSS) were combined to provide increased capacity for an Active Learning Classroom (ALC).The new room seats 171 students and offers the same active learning functionality as before.
New scheduling system launched
In May, the Office of Classroom Management (OCM) implemented a new, system-wide classroom and event scheduling system called Astra Schedule. The system replaced the old classroom schedule viewers and request process. A quick start guide is available on the new Astra Schedule home page showing how to request a classroom for an event.

Fall 2013 classroom assignments
Room assignments for fall 2013 classes are available on the One Stop Class Schedule. Please note: room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of term. While this usually only affects a small number of classes, verify your classroom assignment before the first class meeting. If you have specific questions about your room assignment, contact your department scheduling coordinator.

Classroom technology instructions and videos
The classroom technology instructions for each building provide a list of equipment and additional features, as well as a representative image of the instructor station in each classroom. Orientation is available upon request for those who want to learn more about the technology features. For any questions, contact OCM Classroom Support or 612-625-1086.

OCM News Blog
Stay informed about general purpose classrooms and student study spaces by visiting the OCM news blog. The blog provides news and information updates throughout the semester and is accessible via the OCM website or by subscribing using your favorite RSS feed/blog reader.

Contact us
OCM is available to help with any questions, concerns, or comments regarding general purpose classrooms or central student study spaces. Contact us via the Classroom Support Hotline at 612-625-1086 or classrm@umn.edu.

The hotline is available from 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Messages left at the hotline are monitored by an on-call manager after hours.