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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Scheduling U begins Nov. 4

All schedulers should plan to attend the annual scheduling workshop series, Scheduling U, which will take place from November 4-8. No RSVP or prior registration is required. Workshop topics include:

Scheduling news and notes

Find out about all the new buzz in scheduling! Discussions will include process improvements, final exam batch scheduling, Astra Schedule, upcoming classrooms projects, policy and procedure changes, the new Liberal Education (LE) distribution tool, and more.  It is a session you will not want to miss.

Speakers: Sarah Kussow, Nate Meath

  • Monday, November 4, West Bank, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., L-114 CSOM

  • Monday, November 4, East Bank, 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m., 210 Tate Lab of Physics

  • Wednesday, November 6, St. Paul, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., 365 Borlaug

What's up with ESUP?

The University is upgrading its PeopleSoft systems and reexamining all associated business processes. What does this mean for schedulers? Come to this session to get the scoop and a preview of some changes on the way.

Speakers: Heather Micek, Kate Sophia, John Vollum

  • Tuesday, November 5, East Bank, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., 140 Nolte

How to make Astra Schedule work for you

You may already know how to use Astra Schedule to request an event or to view a calendar, but there is a lot more that it can do for you. Learn how to navigate the new system-wide scheduling tool to find information faster by using filters, saving searches, and running ad hoc reports to make class scheduling easier.  

Speakers: Gary Andersen, Renae Faunce, Nancy Killian

Moderator: Christine Mounts

  • Tuesday, November 5, East Bank, 1:30 p.m.-3 p.m., 412 STSS

  • Thursday, November 7, West Bank, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., 140 Blegen

Back to the basics

If you are new to academic scheduling or simply looking for a crash course, this session will provide all the information you need on scheduling processes, policies, and procedures. Topics covered will include the academic schedule production cycle, ECAS, final exam scheduling, how to navigate the class scheduling distribution summary, getting the room you need, and Q & A with the Student Records training and support team.

Speakers: Gary Andersen, Renae Faunce, Nancy Killian, Sarah Kussow, Robert Wilson

  • Wednesday, November 6, East Bank, 1:30 p.m.-3 p.m., 140 Nolte

Schedulers Roundtable

From spreadsheets to databases to Post-its, we know that every department has a unique way of preparing their schedule. This is an opportunity for schedulers to exchange practical experiences and challenges about their scheduling process. Bring your artifacts to share! We'd love to see how the magic really happens. The session will be a moderated discussion (rather than a presentation or a succession of speakers).

Moderators: Sandie Carlson, Sarah Kussow, Nate Meath, Bob Quinney

  • Friday, November 8, East Bank, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Appleby 102