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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Top 10 ways to reduce classroom shortage

  1. Submit class information accurately and on time (during ECS Period 1). Use ECS reports and Class Scheduling Distribution Summary to manage class submissions.
  2. Minimize changes after ECS period 1. 
  3. Teach classes in accordance with University Senate approved standard time blocks.
  4. Teach no more than 3% of general purpose class demand during any individual standard time block. Note: try to avoid high demand day/time blocks.
  5. Make departmental classrooms available for central scheduling.
  6. Manage projected enrollment numbers; do not inflate or unrealistically overestimate demand.
  7. Manage actual registration numbers after start of registration, and make early class cancellation decisions if insufficient registrants.
  8. Help Scheduling identify low-enrollment courses assigned to classrooms by moving them to conference rooms, meeting rooms, labs, studios, etc.
  9. Do not allow misuse of class permission/magic numbers.
  10. Be flexible! Help Scheduling help you!