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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fall 2015 (1159) policy compliance distribution

Compliance with the Class Scheduling distribution policy for fall 2015 is not ideal. Coupled with the shortage of general purpose classroom space on the Twin Cities campus, we have a large number of classes that remain unplaced less than one week prior to the start of queued registration.

The graphic highlights policy compliance at the University level. Data is current as of 3/16/2015 and includes all class sections on the Twin Cities campus that we expect to require a general purpose classroom or those that are already assigned to a general purpose classroom as they are distributed across the day and week by time of day according to Standard A Time meeting patterns.

To assist with improving policy compliance, please:
  • Move classes out of the busiest times of the day. 
  • Cancel classes promptly if they will no longer be offered (do not change a class section to No Print and Zero Enroll Cap without releasing the classroom and inputting ROOM000TBA into the Facility ID field). 
  • Move classes to departmental space when possible. 
  • Make realistic enrollment projections. 
  • Monitor your department’s compliance using the Class Scheduling Distribution Summary
  • Do not add new class sections at trouble time spots without first determining that a general purpose classroom is available. 

We appreciate your support as we work through the fall schedule. Contact OCM Scheduling with questions about available time periods for general purpose classrooms.