Moving classrooms as part of Tate renovation?
Please share this information with faculty and instructors displaced by the Tate renovation project to help ensure WiFi access in new classrooms before fall.
The renovation of the Tate Laboratory of Physics is underway and will temporarily displace many Tate classes into departmental classrooms. Because some of those departmental classrooms have not been regularly used for classes, it's possible that many may not offer effective WiFi access, depending on their location and other factors.
Help identify classrooms in need of WiFi access
The UMN Office of Information Technology wants to ensure that all classrooms have adequate WiFi coverage for classroom use in time for the fall semester.
To help do that, it's important for faculty and staff members to take a few minutes to check the classrooms' access to the "UofM Secure" WiFi network.
If they identify any classrooms with inadequate coverage, they should contact Technology Help at 612-301-4357 or mark the location using UMN IT's online WiFi feedback tool:
Because of the potentially large number of affected departmental classrooms and because updating the WiFi system is time consuming, the earlier these classrooms are identified, the better chance they have of being WiFi-enabled by fall classes.
Schedulers action item: Please alert faculty and staff to check classrooms
If you are a scheduler planning to move classes into departmental classrooms, please share this message with the faculty and staff members with whom you work as soon as possible.
Note: The process for identifying room assignments has changed since the start of the spring semester as part of the upgrade to PS 9.0. To locate current room assignments, faculty or instructors should visit the Faculty Center in MyU.