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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Final exam scheduling for spring 2016 (1163) continues

Standard final exams have been scheduled for spring 2016. The OCM Scheduling Unit is currently working on scheduling common exams and special requests submitted throughASR forms 163 and 123. While OCM does its best to accommodate special requests, there is always a possibility that your request may not be able to be fulfilled. 

After all final exams have been scheduled, detailed instructions for how to review exam room assignments will be sent to schedulers through Scheduling Update e-newsletter to verify for their department. 

Please note: Space is very tight this final exam period. Please continue to notify Scheduling if a spring 2016 course section will not require a general purpose classroom during finals week. Email ocmsched@umn.edu with the subject line “Spring 2016 Final Exam” and the designator/section number(s) in the text. 
Spring 2016 final exam schedule and regulations are posted online.