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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Class schedule data from the PeopleSoft Upgrade internal audit

Sue Van Voorhis, Associate Vice Provost Academic Support Resources and University Registrar, presented the key findings from an internal audit of the 2015 PeopleSoft Upgrade at the February 2017 Registrar’s Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting. The scope of the audit included administration (information and communication), system functionality (evaluating support for users), and data integrity (data accuracy and access rights). The audit also included soliciting community feedback through surveys to “faculty go-tos” and advisors. Five advisors were interviewed.

Sue reminded the group that the charge of the Upgrade was to implement delivered functionality as much as possible. As a result, the Campus Solutions effort removed 53% of customizations. Sue also shared data on the ongoing work related to Campus Solutions work. Almost half of that work is unplanned (e.g., bug fixes, responding to changes to regulations).

The conclusions of the audit were that the system is doing its job, but some users are frustrated. Class schedule data entry errors were highlighted, noting that the 300+ system-wide Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS) users impact the quality of data. Specific things of note:
  • 725 of 1,101 (65%) graduate students were entered as Primary Instructor instead of Teaching Assistant
  • 2,234 of 7,521 (30%) classes with no instructor listed
  • Meeting patterns set up incorrectly (see the UPK on meeting pattern set up)
If you’re interested in learning more about the audit, review Sue’s internal audit presentation.