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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Fall 2018 final exam room scheduling

Fall 2018 final exam room scheduling will begin soon. OCM only assigns final exam classrooms for classes that meet in general purpose classrooms. Final exams for classes that meet in departmental spaces need to be scheduled within their respective departments.

For classes not holding an in-person exam during finals week, notify us by emailing ocmsched@umn.edu by Friday, September 28, 2018.
Please use the subject line “Fall 2018 Final Exam” and include the subject designator and class section number(s) in the email text. In particular, it is helpful to know when large, lecture classes will not be using their classroom during exam week to fulfill special requests for other final exams requiring large classrooms.

The Final Exam Change Request form is due by September 28, 2018. It must be used by any class that has a need to change their final exam date, time, and/or room

All event requests made through Astra Schedule for finals week are held in our queue until all final exams are scheduled. Astra Schedule event requests should be used to schedule review sessions, but should not be used to secure classrooms for final exams. If you are unsure how to submit your request for an exam room, email ocmsched@umn.edu.