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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

CCS closes on April 23 for spring 2020 (1203)

In addition to finalizing your class schedule, please review the Requested Room Capacities for Spring 2020 prior to CCS closing on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. Best practice is to not exceed 10% of your enrollment capacity for the requested room capacity.

General purpose classroom seating capacities often changes as a result of renovation and/or re-configuration, which may impact your room assignment. If you are hoping to be placed in a specific classroom, it is very important to review current room capacities on the OCM Room Search. Below is an example scenario of when a requested room capacity exceeds the actual room capacity, so the request cannot be made.

Scenario: You have a class that wants to meet in Tate B50 to utilize the Demo Bench in the room. The class has an Enrollment Capacity of 240 and a Requested Room Capacity of 255. 

This class will not be placed into Tate B50 because according to OCM Room Search, the actual room capacity of Tate B50 is 252.