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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Auto-generation of unpublished courses in Canvas

For each active PeopleSoft course, including their sections, empty unpublished academic course sites are automatically generated in Canvas. Instructors and teaching assistants (TAs) assigned in PeopleSoft will see the generated courses in their Canvas dashboards. They can import course content or build it from scratch. Once they are done, they will need to publish the course, so enrolled students can see the content. The following schedule shows the dates when the courses are generated for each upcoming term:
  • Fall term: April 16
  • Spring term: August 1
  • Summer term (including May term): January 3
If faculty and instructors are planning to teach a class in Canvas and their course site does not appear on their dashboard, they are directed to reach out to their college or campus scheduler to ensure they are assigned as the primary or secondary instructor in PeopleSoft. More information can be found on the OIT page on Auto-generated Course Sites.