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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Make final changes to fall 2020 classes by Friday, August 28

It is imperative to make final changes to fall classes as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, August 28. Late class changes can negatively impact student financial aid eligibility, retention, and degree progress. It is the department’s responsibility to make changes prior to this deadline.

Changes that should be made by August 28, 2020, include:
  • Credit changes of any kind (e.g., reduction, addition, variable to set, set to variable, etc.)
  • Grading basis changes of any kind (e.g., A-F only to S-N only, S-N to A-F only, etc.)
  • Class cancellations
  • Career changes
  • Repeat allowance updates
  • Component changes
After August 28, ASR will formally review each class change requested. Many changes are not directly accommodated after students are enrolled and financial aid has been disbursed.

How do I make the change requests?
Changing credits
  • If choosing a set number of credits for a variable credit class, request your changes by emailing ocmsched@umn.edu.
  • If a reduction or addition to course credits needs to be made, submit your changes through ECAS.
Changing grade basis, career, component, and/or repeat allowances
  • Submit your changes through ECAS.
Canceling a class with low enrollment
  1. Change the Class Status to “Stop Further Enrollment” (on the Enrollment Control tab of CCS).
  2. Notify all enrolled students directly and offer alternate options.
  3. Email ocmsched@umn.edu to process your cancellation (and drop students). Note: If your college requires collegiate approval for cancellation with low enrollment, also refer to your college procedures.
Canceling a class with zero enrollment
  • Change the Class Status to “Cancelled Section” (on the Enrollment Control tab of CCS).

Fall 2020 cleanup: Combined sections

Please review combined sections (two class sections being taught at the same time, the same way, and with the same instructor) scheduled for fall 2020 to ensure that the classes’ data matches. Specifically, make sure that the combined classes’ Basic Data tab location field and instruction mode field are the same.

Any mismatched data can be confusing to students. For example, avoid setting up classes where one section is set up as location = OFFCAMPUS and instruction mode = CO (Completely Online), combined with a class section where the location = TCEASTBANK and instruction mode = P (In-person).

Fall 2020 cleanup notes

Please review any free format notes entered in CCS for fall classes to make sure they are accurate. Specifically, make sure to check that any mention of class modality is up to date. Starting in late August, free format notes will be visible to students in MyU, and we want to make sure they're able to understand how their classes will be taught.

Confirm room assignments for fall 2020 (1209)

Room assignments for fall 2020 are available on the Class Schedule. Make sure to review assignments for your department to ensure all classes requiring a general purpose classroom have been assigned.

Please note the following:
  • Classes with zero and low enrollments are continuing to be centrally monitored if they are assigned a general purpose classroom. If a class is no longer being offered or if you need assistance moving a class to a departmental space, email ocmsched@umn.edu as soon as possible.
  • If you notice a class without a room assignment, notify ocmsched@umn.edu immediately, so we can work to find a classroom.
  • Remind instructors to verify their classroom assignment shortly before the first class, as room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of the term.

Waitlist Changes for fall 2020

As a reminder, the waitlist process is changing slightly starting fall 2020. Going forward, the auto enroll process will run for the last time the day before a session begins, and the waitlists will be deleted the first day of the session. For fall, the auto enroll process will run for the final time on September 7, 2020 for all regular sessions and 1st half of term classes. The waitlists will be deleted on September 8, 2020.

If you wish to keep a record of who was on the waitlist for a class, and in what order, we suggest saving a copy of the list prior to its deletion.

Correction: Pre-formatted Class Notes and Class Attributes

In the July 22, 2020 issue of Scheduling of Update, we introduced two new pieces of functionality, pre-formatted Class Notes and Class Attributes, which will help students understand class teaching modality by adding details to Class Search, Schedule Builder, and students’ MyU schedule. Unfortunately, the instructions we provided for using these functions were incorrect and should be disregarded.

Going forward, you only need to add the pre-formatted Class Note and the corresponding Class Attribute will be added to the class automatically overnight.

To add a pre-formatted Class Note:
  1. Go to UM CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes page > Notes tab.
    1. If there is an existing Free Format Text Note, add a row.
  2. Next to the Note Nbr field. Use the magnifying glass to look up and select the teaching modality of the class.
  3. Review the populated text.
  4. Save.

Using pre-formatted class notes is optional for fall 2020. However, it will be highly encouraged for spring 2021.

Student Data Inquiry (SDI) training update

Academic Support Resources has been reviewing and reformatting the Student Data Inquiry (SDI) training course content in order to make it more efficient for learners and easier to keep up to date. The new version of the course will be available in Training Hub by the end of August 2020. Only new PeopleSoft Campus Solutions users will be required to take the course. One notable change is that the FERPA compliance training course will be a prerequisite to SDI for new users. If you have any questions, please contact the OTR Training and Support Team at srhelp@umn.edu.