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Friday, September 4, 2020

Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Guidelines for classrooms

These are the latest guidelines from the MDH for classroom activities. Keep in mind:
  • This new guidance does not change the EO 20-74 25-person cap requirement for other indoor U non-class "activities," which "includes, but is not limited to, testing, short-term training programs, student services, advising, internships, clinical rotations/placements, customized training, internships, campus visits, programs, and all research activities and functions." That cap remains at 25 persons.
  • This new guidance does not change the EO 20-74 mandate applying to other social gatherings, as stated in the new guidance: "Social gatherings not associated with a class or structured event/meeting must not exceed 10 indoors or 25 outdoors." Those caps remain in place.