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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Fall 2021 general purpose classroom assignments

As of May 28, all physical distancing requirements have been lifted for classrooms, and we will be at standard distancing for fall semester.

With this change, we are going to assign general purpose classrooms earlier than expected. CCS will be closed from June 16 to June 22 to assign general purpose classrooms to classes for fall 2021. Departments have until the end of day on June 15 to edit their fall schedules in CCS.

By assigning rooms earlier, we are hoping our incoming freshman class can make more informed scheduling decisions while attending orientation, and to give our currently enrolled students ample time to make decisions on their schedules once classrooms are assigned.

Room capacities have been updated to their prior standard capacities and can be found at our Room Search tool.

Review Room assignments

While OCM is working to assign classrooms, most room assignments for fall 2021 will be available on the Class Schedule. You may review assignments for your department to ensure all classes requiring a general purpose classroom have been assigned.

If you are planning to schedule some classes in departmental space, please notify ocmsched@umn.edu if you need assistance or if it means a general purpose classroom can be released.

Instruction Modalities and ECAS updates

At this time, per the Provost’s message on March 12, instructors will still be required to get approval from their unit heads to change their class format from In-Person to a Remote or Online offering. Course updates will be required in ECAS by July 1, 2021 (if not already approved for online offerings) for Remote and Online offerings but may be scheduled in CCS with provisional approval. This is both for undergraduate (UGRD) and graduate (GRAD) classes.

*Courses adding an online option for fall 2021 specifically for international students can be updated in the class schedule without submitting a revised ECAS proposal. The process to offer an online option in these circumstances will mirror the temporary, pandemic-related processes in place during the 2020-2021 academic year.