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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Spring 2022 final exam scheduling

Final exams for spring 2022 will continue to be scheduled using the opt-in process for classroom assignments. This process change, implemented this past fall, was an overall success.

For spring, if a classroom assignment is needed for an in-person or blended class’s final exam, departments need to let OCM know a room is required by filling out the In-Person Final Exams Request form, and we will schedule one for you. Please have this form filled out by February 15, 2022, for each class section that requires a classroom.

The final exam schedule (the date and time for when a final exam is to take place based on when the class was held during the term) is available on the One Stop website.

If a change is needed to a final exam, please continue to fill out the Final Exam Change Request form. Both forms can also be found on the Final Exam Information page on the ASR website.