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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Tip: Waitlist troubleshooting

Ever had an instructor email you asking why a certain student who is sitting on the waitlist didn’t get off the waitlist when there was space available in the class? Commonly, there are two reasons why this happens:
  1. The student was justifiably not enrolled for a reason, and they received an email as to why they could not be enrolled. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could also see that message? Well, you absolutely can! As a CCS scheduler, you have access to see the system-generated emails sent to students when the auto-enroll from waitlist process runs for a class.
    • These messages are available, per term, on the UM Waitlist Email History page (Records and Enrollment > Term Processing Waitlist > UM Waitlist Email History).
  2. The “Auto Enroll from Waitlist” checkbox on the class section is NOT checked. If this box is unchecked, the auto-enroll from waitlist process will NOT run for that section, and instead, the class will look open for any student to enroll, even if there are students sitting on the waitlist.
    • CCS schedulers can find this checkbox on the UM CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes page > Enrollment Control tab. The checked box serves the following two functions:
      • Triggers the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process if a seat is available.
      • Gives priority to students on the waitlist, so open seats are not taken by other students (before Auto Enroll from Waitlist runs).