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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Class Schedule Summary Report will display class credits

The number of credits a class is being offered for will be added to the Class Schedule Summary Report by mid-February. This report is found in the Report Center:
  1. Log into myu.umn.edu
  2. Click Key Links
  3. Click Reporting Center
    • Find Student Services
    • Click the arrow next to Course Scheduling
    • Click the Class Schedule Summary Report
    • Enter the information you want to see
      • You can download the report to Excel by clicking the Excel icon at the top of your search results.
This report has class section information for each scheduled class, which makes it especially useful for schedulers to make decisions about what should and should not be offered for an upcoming semester because they can review it following the roll forward.

You can also easily identify the classes that are variable credits and have them adjusted to a set number of credits if needed. If you need to request a set credit amount, email ocmsched@umn.edu.