For those who have not heard, we have unfortunately run out of combined section ID numbers in PeopleSoft, for the time being.
What does this mean? The table that stores Combined Sections in PeopleSoft has reached its limit, and we are no longer able to create new combined sections within PeopleSoft for Spring 2025 and beyond. We are working with our partners in ASR-IT and OIT to implement a fix from Oracle.
What is the workaround? Please let us know ( if two (or more) classes need to be scheduled in the same room that are not already on the combined sections list. We are able to make that happen in Astra without the classes being combined in PeopleSoft first. We do not anticipate too many classes still needing to be combined for Spring 2025, and we are hoping to have a fix for this issue in PeopleSoft in the very near future.
Once we are able to add combined sections again in PeopleSoft, our team will set up the combined sections that have been reported to us during this time. We will also provide any additional instructions on how to create combined sections in the future. Please let us know if you have any questions.