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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Fall 2023 general purpose classroom assignments

We have assigned the majority of fall 2023 classes into General Purpose Classrooms (GPCs) as needed. While OCM is still working to assign classrooms, you can review room assignments for fall 2023 on the Class Schedule.

Canceling classes for fall 2023 with zero and low enrollments

If you do not plan to offer a class, the class needs to be canceled in Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS) as soon as possible and before the start of the term. Failure to cancel a class in a timely manner may have financial aid and degree progress impacts on students.

For classes with low enrollment to be canceled, please do the following:
  1. Change the Class Status to “Stop Further Enrollment” on the Enrollment Control panel of CCS
  2. Notify enrolled students directly to offer alternative options before requesting a class cancellation
  3. Email ocmsched@umn.edu to process your cancellation
    1. **If your college requires collegiate approval for cancellation with low enrollment, also refer to your college procedures
For classes with zero enrollments to be canceled:
  1. Change the Class Status to “Canceled Section” on the Enrollment Control panel of CCS
  2. Save

2023-24 final exam information

Please check out these resources for additional information on upcoming final exams.

Spring 2024 (1243) classroom scheduling

CCS will be closed as of July 6, 2023 to make general-purpose classroom assignments for spring 2024 classes. CCS will open again on August 3, 2023 to make emergent changes to spring 2024 classes before registration begins on November 14, 2023.

2024-25 Production calendar

The 2024-25 production calendar is now available. If you want the production calendar added to your Google calendar, follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Class Scheduling Distribution Summary (CSDS) update

The Class Scheduling Distribution Summary (CSDS) dashboard monitors compliance with the Class Scheduling policy. You can find the updated dashboard on the classroom website, under Scheduling, or at the following z-link: https://z.umn.edu/CSDS

UGRD/GRD 4999 ending after summer 2023

UGRD 4999 and GRD 4999 are zero-credit courses utilized by colleges and departments to disburse financial aid to students with no other enrollment during the summer term. This practice will be ending to bring our institution into compliance with federal financial aid regulations. The UMTC Office of Student Finance will be inactivating UGRD 4999 and GRD 4999 effective fall 2023. Please share this message with any colleagues in your department/college.

Issue Summary
  • Unless a student is registered for credit, the aid distributed in summer counts toward the fall semester aid calculation. Once we move into compliance, the summer aid will have negative repercussions for fall aid and students, particularly low-income students, who may not be able to pay their fall tuition or will face increased debt. The aid for summer would count toward the following fall/spring Cost of Attendance for financial aid purposes.
  • Often, units look to payroll as an alternative way to compensate students for summer research. Unfortunately, unless a student is working in an employee function, they are not eligible for payroll. See the Tax Management Office Guidelines #8 for more information.
Alternative Options
  • Students enroll in one credit associated with program-related instructional activities and pay the cost in order to be eligible for the summer scholarship.*
  • Students enroll in one credit and the unit offering the scholarship opportunity provides additional scholarship funds to partially or fully cover the tuition.*
  • For research opportunities that extend beyond the summer term, the scholarship could be distributed during a term the student is already enrolled (e.g. fall or spring).
  • Smaller units, and those that do not serve international students, may find it a viable option to pay the participating students by setting them up as vendors, rather than using the scholarship model.
*Academic coursework needs to be associated with academic credit, commensurate with instruction.

If you have any questions, please contact Nate Peterson, Director of Student Finance, (pete2787@umn.edu).

ECAS/PCAS "freeze"

The ECAS and PCAS “freeze” begins on July 8, 2023. This is when the data transfers from ECAS and PCAS to Coursedog. A few things to keep in mind during the freeze:
  • All ECAS and PCAS users (at all levels) will no longer have access to make changes, but view-only access remains.
  • Any proposal that is not fully approved in ECAS or PCAS will not be transferred to Coursedog. Those proposals will need to be entered into Coursedog after go-live.

The Coursedog training courses plan to be available on Monday, July 17, in training hub. There will be four, 30-minute online courses, based on the end user’s role(s):
  • Course Author
  • Program Author
  • Course Approver
  • Program Approver
Completion of these courses is required for current ECAS and PCAS editors and approvers to maintain their access. Notification of training requirements will be sent to individuals in July.