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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Classroom usage during spring 2021 finals week

During spring finals week, general purpose classrooms (GPCs) will remain unlocked and have the same hours (typically M-F 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m, Saturdays 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in weekend buildings only). We will be scheduling all GPCs to be used as student study spaces around a few in-person final exams.

Students can use available classroom space for studying or for taking a final exam. This ensures all students have access to space during final exams. No events will be scheduled during finals week.

Fall 2021 scheduling

Instruction Modalities and ECAS updates

Per the Provost’s message on March 12, instructors will be required to get approval from their unit heads to change their class format from In-Person to a Remote or Online offering. Course updates will be required in ECAS by July 1, 2021 (if not already approved for online offerings) for Remote and Online offerings but may be scheduled in CCS with provisional approval. This is both for undergraduate (UGRD) and graduate (GRAD) classes.

Note: This approval requirement had been waived in the last few semesters due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but will now be required again with our move to normal operations.
  • Online and Remote: ECAS updates will include updating the online course question to “Yes” and providing an updated syllabus to document the new modality for fall 2021. Department and collegiate approval must be obtained prior to ECAS submission.
  • Blended: ECAS updates are encouraged, as well as providing an updated syllabus to document the new modality for fall 2021. Department and collegiate approval must be obtained prior to ECAS submission.

Due to evolving public health guidance, we are aware that distancing in classrooms for fall semester may need to be changed. We are currently planning for multiple scenarios for the fall, with frequent evaluation of plans in place throughout the summer. We will not be assigning general purpose classrooms to fall 2021 classes until July 2021 when final decisions are made regarding physical distancing requirements for the term.

To view classroom capacities with various distancing for scenario planning, see (standard, 6’, and 3’) this Google sheet.

May/Summer semester 2021

Registration is underway for summer 2021. As it was in fall 2020 and spring 2021, we are using the class formats identified in the Class Format Guide for summer 2021. Instructors can choose their modality. ECAS updates are also not required for modality changes that are meant to be temporary. 6' physical distancing will be enforced in classrooms (see Room Search for current capacities).

Making changes to variable credits

With the May/summer session nearing and fall registration underway, please make the final changes to classes requiring set credits. After financial aid has been disbursed, the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.

If you need to change the number of credits for a class from a variable number to a set number, email ocmsched@umn.edu.

Using General Purpose Classrooms for events

OCM’s COVID event scheduling protocols have been updated reflecting new guidance:
  • Registered Student Groups (as defined by Student Unions & Activities)
    • All student group classroom reservations will be capped at 15 attendees per MDH guidelines for all indoor social gatherings.
  • University Departments: All use of classrooms for in-person meetings, trainings, and academic related activities by and for University departments must maintain 6’ distancing in classrooms per MDH guidelines for Higher Education classroom occupancy. While there is not an upper limit on reservation capacity, seating assignments are required for reservations in classrooms with a 50+ capacity.

Use the Auto Enroll from Waitlist checkbox in CCS for summer and fall 2021

As a reminder, the Auto Enroll from Waitlist checkbox must be checked on both the enrollment and non-enrollment sections of your class for it to be included in the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process. CCS schedulers can find this checkbox on the UM CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes page > Enrollment Control tab.

The checked box serves the following two functions:
  • Triggers the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process if a seat is available.
  • Gives priority to students on the waitlist, so open seats are not taken by other students (before the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process runs).