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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Scheduling Update: Spring 2013 final exam reminders

Spring 2013 final exam regulations have been posted and final exam scheduling is almost complete.

A final exam is scheduled for every class that meets in a general purpose classroom. If you know that a course section will not require a general purpose classroom during finals week, notify the Scheduling Unit right away. Emailocmsched@umn.edu with the subject line "Spring 2013 Final Exam" and the designator/section number(s) in the text. To request a change in time, day, or location of the exam, submit ASR form 163 or 123. Please submit these requests ASAP. 

While we do our best to accommodate special requests, please be aware that we are not able to fulfill all of them. Room assignments for final exams will be posted for your review by Monday, April 1.