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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fall 2018 (1189) and spring 2019 (1193) room assignments

Room assignments for fall 2018 (1189) are now posted. Spring 2019 (1193) will be available on Class Search when CCS re-opens. Beginning May 23, 2018, you can cancel, change, or add class information for spring 2019. Please note, you will lose a classroom assignment if changes are made to the following:
  • Meeting times
  • Enrollment capacities
  • Requested room capacities 
The Scheduling Unit is finding that Tuesday and Thursday morning through mid-afternoon are the busiest and most difficult times to find classroom space. All room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of term to accommodate class activity.

If you have a class without a room assignment, we may be asking individual departments if the class days or times can change, or if a departmental space is available instead. Please consider moving classes to departmental spaces if that is an option.

Contact the Scheduling Unit to:
  • Add classes during peak times and ensure that a classroom will be available
  • Cancel a class that is no longer being offered (this is different than hiding it from the schedule, stopping further enrollment, or asking students to drop the clas)
  • Ask general scheduling questions