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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Extended weekend classroom hours during fall finals week

Finals week for fall semester begins Thursday, December 12 with Study Day. The last day of exams is Thursday, December 19. Official University final exam schedules are available online.
  • Study days: Thursday, December 12 and Sunday, December 15
  • Finals exams: Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14, and Monday, December 16 through Thursday, December 19
General purpose classroom and computer lab hours will be extended on Saturday 12/14 and Sunday 12/15 to meet the needs of students and faculty during finals week. Weekday hours remain unchanged during finals week (see standard operating hours).

Extended hours
  • Sunday, December 15 (study day):All general purpose classrooms and computer labs in weekend buildings will be open from 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. to accommodate students for official University study days. Buildings will be accessible via UCard; classrooms will be unlocked. Weekend buildings include the following:
    • East Bank: Bruininks Hall, Folwell Hall, Keller Hall, Nicholson Hall, Rapson Hall
    • West Bank: Blegen Hall, CSOM, Hanson Hall, Humphrey Center
    • St. Paul: McNeal Hall, Peters Hall, Ruttan Hall
After final exams week, we will return to our standard operating hours.
NOTE: Building hours may vary from standard classroom hours. Be sure to carry your U Card with you at all times. Some buildings will require your U Card for exterior building access.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reminder: review fall 2019 (1199) final exam schedule and room assignments

The fall 2019 final exam schedule for general purpose classrooms is now available for review in Astra Schedule. Please forward room locations to instructors to ensure they know the location of their final exam. See the OCM Scheduling Update blog for detailed instructions on reviewing final exams and more resources.

Open registration for spring 2020 (1203)

Queued registration for students continuing in spring 2020 will open on Tuesday, November 12.

Changes to variable credit/grading basis

With spring registration approaching, it is imperative to make final changes to classes requiring set credits and/or changes to grade basis. After financial aid has been disbursed, the grading basis and the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.

If you need to change the number of credits for a class from a variable number to a set number, email ocmsched@umn.edu. If you need to make a change to the grading basis of a course, submit it directly through ECAS.

Monitor your scheduling policy compliance

Ensure that your department is in compliance with the scheduling distribution policies regarding classroom demand before spring registration, November 12, 2019. See the class scheduling policy summary for details on the policies and how to monitor compliance.

The following tools have been built to assist you in monitoring your compliance:

Spring 2020 classroom assignments

Room assignments for spring 2020 (1203) are still in process. If a class does not need a general purpose classroom assignment and you have not yet been assigned a departmental space, please notify ocmsched@umn.edu.

OCM only works to find general purpose classrooms for classes with a blank Facility ID in CCS. If the Facility ID field is populated, OCM will not actively look for a classroom for your class. This includes being populated with a virtual space, such as:
  • ROOM000TBA (room to be assigned) - the CCS scheduler will be adding a departmental or other room to a class section or meeting pattern.
  • NORMREQD (No room required)- no room is required for the class section and/or meeting pattern.
  • ONLINEONLY (online only) - the class section or meeting pattern of the class will be conducted completely online, no classroom is needed.
  • AHC000TBA (AHC room to be assigned) - no GPC is needed.
  • LAB000TBA (lab section - room to be assigned) - no GPC is needed.
All room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of the term. While this usually only affects a small number of classes, we encourage departments and instructors to verify their classroom assignment before the first class meeting.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Review Fall 2019 (1199) final exam schedule and room assignments

The Fall 2019 final exam schedule for general purpose classrooms is now available for review in Astra Schedule. Please forward room locations to instructors to ensure they know the location of their final exam.

Be sure to check your department's classes for accuracy. Email the Scheduling Unit at ocmsched@umn.edu as soon as possible if you notice any of the following:
  • An exam scheduled for a class that does not require a room
  • An exam missing for a class that should have had one scheduled
  • An exam scheduled at a time or place you did not expect
To review your department's final exams, please follow the steps below:
  1. Sign in to Astra Schedule with your University internet ID and password in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the “Academics” tab located in the top navigation menu.
  3. Click on the “Sections” link at the top of the page.
  4. Update the filters in the left column as follows:
    • Is Exam = Yes
    • Term = Fall 2019
    • Subject = Select the subject(s) you schedule
    • Campus = Mpls/St Paul
  5. Click “Search” at the bottom of the filter column.
  6. To save your filter selections for future use, click on the save button next to “Search” at the bottom of the filter column on the left.
  7. Export the list to Excel by using the icon located in the middle of the bottom of the page.
Common exam room assignments are available to review separately.

Want a few extra tips and tricks for getting around in Astra Academics? Check out the resources available on ASR’s system support page under Astra Schedule. Still have questions on how to review your final exams? Contact ocmsched@umn.edu.

Final exam policy resources:

Correction to One Stop spring 2020 standard final exam schedule table

On the One Stop website, there were three final exam times listed in the spring 2020 standard final exam schedule table that have been corrected as of October 10, 2019. Impacted classes include those that begin during the following days/times and have had their exam date changed from Thursday, May 7 to Monday, May 11, 2020:
  • TTh 9-9:59 a.m.
  • MWF 11-11:59 a.m.
  • TTh 1-1:59 p.m.
Please work with your faculty/instructors to ensure that they have the correct information.

Roll forward for fall and spring semesters

Fall 2020 (1209) and spring 2021 (1213) class schedules will roll forward on November 4, 2019. This happens two weeks prior to when CCS Open Initial Build begins to allow for data clean up behind the scenes.

As a reminder, classes with the following criteria will not roll forward:
  • Topics classes
  • Cancelled sections
  • Tentative sections
  • Classes with zero enrollment (excluding directed studies and research)
  • Undergraduate classes scheduled in Extended Regular Session (session 011)

May/summer 2020 CCS closes November 6, 2019

We are currently in CCS Open Initial Build for May/summer 2020 (1195) until November 6, 2019. At the end of day on November 5, we will close CCS to make central room assignments. Please make sure to update all class sections prior to CCS closing on Wednesday, November 6, 2019.

Note that new sessions have been added for summer 2019 with new date ranges to better meet the needs of the variety of classes offered (session 027 and 028). Please put classes in session that most closely match the class dates. Review historical classes to make sure it is still the right fit. See session dates on the OCM website.

The following resources for scheduling classes are available:

Tips and Tricks - Combined Section ghosts....boo!

Most schedulers know that when combining classes on the Combined Sections Table, only one class should have a meeting pattern and instructor information entered on the UM CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes page. The other class(es) meeting pattern(s) are left blank. The meeting pattern and instructor information of the first class will be added to the other class(es) once they are saved together on the Combined Sections Table....magic!

Every once in awhile, we hear from a scheduler who is unable to save sections on the Combined Sections Table even though it appears there is no meeting pattern information for the other class(es). Rather, they get a message that the classes can NOT be combined because they have different meeting patterns.

Very often the solution is simple. Return to the class(es) in UM CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes (Meeting tab), which appears to have blank meeting patterns, and delete the "ghost row" by clicking on the minus button. From there, save, and try again to save the combined sections on the Combined Sections Table. This works spookily well.​


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Spring 2020 - Variable credit email

With spring registration approaching, it is imperative to make final changes to classes requiring set credits and/or changes to grade basis. After financial aid has been disbursed, the grading basis and the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.

We will be identifying all classes with variable credits and sending an email to schedulers reminding them if they need to change the number of credits for a class from a variable number to a set number to email ocmsched@umn.edu. If you need to make a change to the grading basis of a course, submit it directly through ECAS.

Roll forward for fall and spring semesters

Fall 2020 (1209) and spring 2021 (1213) class schedules will roll forward on November 4, 2019. This happens two weeks prior to when CCS Open Initial Build begins to allow for data clean up behind the scenes.

As a reminder, classes with the following criteria will not roll forward:
  • Topics classes
  • Cancelled sections
  • Tentative sections
  • Classes with zero enrollment (excluding directed studies and research)
  • Undergraduate classes scheduled in Extended Regular Session (session 011)

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Change in support

Academic Support Resources has made organizational changes to integrate the services provided by the ASR Training and Support team across three ASR departments.

Questions related to CCS or Astra should be sent to ocmsoftwarehelp@umn.edu

Summer CCS opening and new session dates to choose

Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS) in PeopleSoft will be available for initial build on Friday, October 4, 2019 for May/summer 2020 (1205) class schedule production. It will be open until November 6, 2019. The following resources for scheduling classes are available:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Roll forward for May/summer session 2020 (1205)

Class data entered into CCS rolls forward from the same term in the previous year (e.g., summer 2019 to summer 2020) as a convenience to schedulers. We will roll forward classes for May/summer session 2020 (1205) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. This happens two weeks prior to CCS Open - Initial Build to allow for behind-the-scenes data clean up.

As a reminder, classes with the following criteria will not roll forward:
  • Cancelled sections
  • Tentative sections
  • Undergraduate Topics classes
  • Classes with zero enrollment (excluding directed studies and research)
  • Undergraduate classes scheduled in Extended Regular Session (session 011)

Fall 2019 final exam room scheduling

Fall 2019 final exam room scheduling will begin soon. OCM only assigns final exam classrooms for classes that meet in general purpose classrooms. Final exams for classes that meet in departmental spaces need to be scheduled within their respective departments.

For classes not holding an in-person exam during finals week, notify us by emailing ocmsched@umn.edu by Tuesday, October 1, 2019. Please use the subject line “Fall 2019 Final Exam” and include the subject designator and class section number(s) in the email text. In particular, it is helpful to know when large, lecture classes will not be using their classroom during exam week to fulfill special requests for other final exams requiring large classrooms.

The Final Exam Change Request form is due by October 1, 2019. It must be used by any class that has a need to change their final exam date, time, and/or room

All event requests made through Astra Schedule for finals week are held in our queue until all final exams are scheduled. Astra Schedule event requests should be used to schedule review sessions, but should not be used to secure classrooms for final exams. If you are unsure how to submit your request for an exam room, email ocmsched@umn.edu.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Welcome to fall semester 2019!


The Office of Classroom Management (OCM) welcomes you to the start of the fall 2019 semester! We recommend taking the following 3 steps to best prepare:

Step 1: Confirm your classroom
Go to the Teaching tab of MyU now to locate your room assignments. We encourage you to record your room assignment before the start of the term when we experience a high volume of traffic in the system. We ask students to do the same, so please minimize any room change requests. While in MyU, you can also access and print your class roster. More how-to guides for Faculty Center and Advisor Center are available on the ASR website.

Step 2: Check your tech
Use Room Search to learn about the features, layout, and equipment in your classroom. Classroom equipment instructions are available to show you how to use the equipment in your classroom.

Step 3: Know your resources
OCM is available to help with your questions about general purpose classrooms. We are also available for a hands-on consultation for classroom equipment and technology upon request.

We answer calls Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Messages left at the hotline after hours are monitored by an on-call manager.
Please note that all OCM classrooms are equipped with ADA compliant tables and chairs. We work closely with the Disability Resource Center to accommodate student needs and ask for your help in ensuring the furniture is available for those who need it.

We wish you a great start to the semester!

Jeremy Todd
Director, Office of Classroom Management
Academic Support Resources, Office of Undergraduate Education

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Make final changes to fall 2019 classes by Friday, August 23

It is imperative to make final changes to classes as soon as possible. Late class changes can negatively impact student financial aid eligibility, retention, and degree progress. It is the department’s responsibility to make changes prior to this deadline.

Changes that should be made by August 23, 2019, include:
  • Credit changes of any kind (e.g., reduction, addition, variable to set, set to variable, etc.)
  • Grading basis changes of any kind (e.g., A-F only to S-N only, S-N to A-F only, etc.)
  • Class cancellations
  • Career changes
  • Repeat allowance updates
  • Component changes
After August 23, ASR will formally review each class change requested. Many changes are not directly accommodated after students are enrolled and financial aid has been disbursed.

How do I make the change requests?

Changing credits

  • If choosing a set number of credits for a variable credit class, request your changes by emailing ocmsched@umn.edu.
  • If a reduction or addition to course credits needs to be made, submit your changes through ECAS.
Changing grade basis, career, component, and/or repeat allowances
  • Submit your changes through ECAS.
Canceling a class with low enrollment
  1. Change the Class Status to “Stop Further Enrollment” (on the Enrollment Control tab of CCS).
  2. Notify all enrolled students directly and offer alternate options.
  3. Email ocmsched@umn.edu to process your cancellation (and drop students).
Note: If your college requires collegiate approval for cancellation with low enrollment, also refer to your college procedures.

Canceling a class with zero enrollment

  • Change the Class Status to “Cancelled Section" (on the Enrollment Control tab of CCS).

Confirm room assignments for fall 2019 (1199)

Room assignments for fall 2019 are available on the Class Schedule. Review assignments for your department to ensure all classes requiring a general purpose classroom have been assigned.

Please note the following:
  • Classes with zero and low enrollments are continuing to be centrally monitored if they are assigned a general purpose classroom. Email ocmsched@umn.edu as soon as possible if a class will no longer be offered or for assistance moving a class to a departmental space.
  • There is an increased demand for classroom space on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:05 a.m.-12:05 p.m. If you can move a class to a departmentally controlled room during those times, please let us know.
  • If you notice a class without a room assignment, notify ocmsched@umn.edu ASAP to work to find a classroom. We are aware that not all classes have been assigned a room during peak times.
  • Remind instructors to verify their classroom assignment before the first class, as room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of the term.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Changes to TA role assignments in Canvas

Beginning Thursday, August 15, 2019, teaching assistants (TAs) who are the sole instructors of a course must be marked in PeopleSoft with the grade roster access field of ‘Grade’ or ‘Approve.’ This ensures TAs who are sole instructors have the appropriate level of access to enter grades and grant them the correct access in Canvas. TAs with grade or approve access will have the “Teacher” role in Canvas, which allows them to publish courses.

Please note: CCS grade “Access” for undergraduate TAs must be left blank. They are not allowed to enter or submit grades.

Auto-generation of unpublished courses in Canvas

For each active PeopleSoft course, including their sections, empty unpublished academic course sites are automatically generated in Canvas. Instructors and teaching assistants (TAs) assigned in PeopleSoft will see the generated courses in their Canvas dashboards. They can import course content or build it from scratch. Once they are done, they will need to publish the course, so enrolled students can see the content. The following schedule shows the dates when the courses are generated for each upcoming term:
  • Fall term: April 16
  • Spring term: August 1
  • Summer term (including May term): January 3
If faculty and instructors are planning to teach a class in Canvas and their course site does not appear on their dashboard, they are directed to reach out to their college or campus scheduler to ensure they are assigned as the primary or secondary instructor in PeopleSoft. More information can be found on the OIT page on Auto-generated Course Sites.

Astra Schedule updates

Astra Schedule, the University’s academic and event scheduling system, has been converted into four unique, campus-specific databases (Crookston, Duluth, Morris, Twin Cities/Rochester) and should now be accessed via the links below. Please update your bookmarks accordingly. Any questions, comments, or feedback should be directed to ocmsoftwarehelp@umn.edu. We want to hear how it is going and appreciate the feedback.

Canceling classes for fall 2019 with zero and low enrollments

If you do not plan to offer a class, the class needs to be cancelled in CCS as soon as possible and before the start of the term. Failure to cancel a class has a direct impact on students. Please do not try to do workarounds to hide the class from the schedule.

For classes with low enrollment to be cancelled, please do the following:
  1. Change the Class Status to “Stop Further Enrollment” on the Enrollment Control panel of CCS.
  2. Notify enrolled students directly to offer alternative options before requesting a class cancellation.
  3. Email ocmsched@umn.edu to process your cancellation.
  4. ** If your college requires collegiate approval for cancellation with low enrollment, also refer to your college procedures.

For classes with zero enrollments to be cancelled, change the Class Status to “Cancelled Section” on the Enrollment Control panel of CCS.

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions user guides

Need help remembering the path to a Campus Solutions page? If so, please refer to the Campus Solutions Navigation Guide (Google Sheet). Detailed PeopleSoft Campus Solutions guides can be found on the Academic Support Resources (ASR) website.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Summer Scheduling Update

Please note that the Scheduling Update will only be sent one time in June (this issue) and one time in July (next issue). The newsletter will be sent every other week again in August.

DVD retirements and summer tech upgrades

As part of our annual classroom technology renewals this year, OCM will be removing the last VCRs from our general purpose classrooms. In addition, DVD players will continue to be removed as part of our retirement plan. Please note that the majority of the changes planned for this summer will impact the Nicholson Hall general purpose classrooms. As you consider the impact of this change for you, let us know if you have concerns by emailing us at classrm@umn.edu. We can help form a plan, connect you to resources, or suggest alternatives.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Planned MyU and PeopleSoft outage June 1-2, 2019

On Saturday and Sunday, June 1-2, PeopleTools, the PeopleSoft development platform, will be updated. During the update, MyU and PeopleSoft will be unavailable.

The following are specific impacts to note:
  • MyU (and dependent applications)
  • PeopleSoft (and dependent applications)
    • Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS)
    • Class Schedule
    • Astra Schedule
Access to Canvas (canvas.umn.edu) and University email (mail.umn.edu) will not be affected. The update ensures that our PeopleSoft systems retain vendor support. We encourage you to mark your calendars for the update weekend, so you can plan around the service outage.

Visit the IT Service Status page for the latest information on system availability. After the update, it is recommended to clear your browser’s cookies and cache before logging into the affected systems. Job aids on the new PeopleSoft homepage and navigation options are linked via MyU > Key Links > PeopleSoft.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Making changes to variable credit/grading basis

With May/summer session nearing and fall registration underway, it is imperative to make final changes to classes requiring set credits and/or changes to grade basis. After financial aid has been disbursed, the grading basis and the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.

If you need to change the number of credits for a class from a variable number to a set number, email ocmsched@umn.edu. If you need to make a change to the grading basis of a course, submit it directly through ECAS.

Grade entry deadlines and reminders

Spring 2019 full semester and second 7-week session grades are due on Monday, May 20, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. A complete list of grading due dates, how-to guides, and policies, are available on the ASR website.

Grade rosters are available in the Faculty Center in MyU. Please encourage instructors to log into Faculty Center ahead of time to check that they have a final grade roster for the classes they expect to enter grades in. If instructors do not see their expected final grades rosters, they should contact their department’s class scheduler.

If you know of someone encountering issues with grades entry, please have them call the ASR Training & Support Team at (612) 625-2803 or email srhelp@umn.edu.

Use the Auto Enroll from Waitlist checkbox in CCS for summer and fall 2019

As a reminder, the Auto Enroll from Waitlist checkbox must be checked on both the enrollment and non-enrollment sections of your class for it to be included in the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process. CCS schedulers can find this checkbox on the UM CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes page > Enrollment Control tab.

The checked box serves the following two functions:
  • Triggers the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process if a seat is available.
  • Gives priority to students on the waitlist, so open seats are not taken by other students (before Auto Enroll from Waitlist runs).

Review room assignments for fall (1199) and spring (1203)

While OCM is still working to assign classrooms for all classes, most room assignments for fall 2019 and spring 2020 are available on the Class Schedule. Review assignments for your department to ensure all classes requiring a general purpose classroom have been assigned.

Please note, you will lose a classroom assignment if changes are made to the following:

  • Meeting times
  • Enrollment capacities
  • Requested room capacities

If you need assistance scheduling classes in a departmental space, please notify ocmsched@umn.edu, especially if you will no longer need a general purpose classroom. There are some days and times where we do not have classroom space available. Please remind instructors that room assignments are subject to change prior to the start of the term, so they should check the schedule again close to the beginning of the semester.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

PeopleTools 8.56 update

PeopleTools, the PeopleSoft development platform, will be updated June 1-2, 2019. During the update, PeopleSoft and MyU will be down. The update includes new homepages and navigation options. All PeopleSoft users will start receiving messages in May with more information on what to expect, including an overview video and detailed guides on the new features.

Extended weekend classroom hours during spring finals week

Finals week for spring semester begins Tuesday, May 7 with Study Day. The last day of exams is Wednesday May 15. Official University final exam schedules are available online.
  • Study days: Tuesday, May 7 - Wednesday, May 8, and Sunday, May 12
  • Finals exams: Thursday, May 9 - Saturday, May 11, and Monday, May 13 - Wednesday, May 15
General purpose classroom and computer lab hours will be extended on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12 to meet the needs of students and faculty during finals week. Weekday hours remain unchanged during finals week (see standard operating hours).

Extended Hours

Saturday, May 11 (final exam day): All general purpose classrooms and computer labs will be open from 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. to accommodate scheduled and ad hoc student study.

Sunday, May 12 (study day):
All general purpose classrooms and computer labs in weekend buildings will be open from 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. to accommodate students for official University study days. Buildings will be accessible via UCard and classrooms will be unlocked. Weekend buildings include the following:
  • East Bank: Bruininks Hall, Folwell Hall, Keller Hall, Nicholson Hall, Rapson Hall
  • West Bank: Blegen Hall, CSOM, Hanson Hall, Humphrey Center
  • Saint Paul: McNeal Hall, Peters Hall, Ruttan Hall
After final exams week, we will return to our standard operating hours.
NOTE: Building hours may vary from standard classroom hours. Be sure to carry your U Card with you at all times. Some buildings will require your U Card for exterior building access.

Making changes to variable credit/grading basis

With May/summer session nearing and fall registration underway, it is imperative to make final changes to classes requiring set credits and/or changes to grade basis. After financial aid has been disbursed, the grading basis and the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.

If you need to change the number of credits for a class from a variable number to a set number, email ocmsched@umn.edu. If you need to make a change to the grading basis of a course, submit it directly through ECAS.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Make final changes to fall 2019 prior to registration on April 11

CCS is open again for emergent changes to the class schedule for fall 2019 (1199). Department schedulers may update class information (cancel, add, or change) directly in CCS.

Queued registration for fall 2019 begins Thursday, April 11, 2019. To ensure the greatest success for students, please make sure to finalize the following information in the class schedule prior to registration:
  • Confirm session dates are set to the most reflective session. For reference, view session dates by term here.
  • If choosing a set number of credits for a variable credit class, make those changes before students register by emailing ocmsched@umn.edu.
  • Confirm grading basis. If changes need to be made, submit changes through ECAS.
  • All date, day, and time changes should be made before students register to make sure to minimize student conflicts.
If any of the above needs to be changed after students have registered, email ocmsched@umn.edu to determine if changes may still be made.

CCS closes on April 23 for spring 2020 (1203)

In addition to finalizing your class schedule, please review the Requested Room Capacities for Spring 2020 prior to CCS closing on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. Best practice is to not exceed 10% of your enrollment capacity for the requested room capacity.

General purpose classroom seating capacities often changes as a result of renovation and/or re-configuration, which may impact your room assignment. If you are hoping to be placed in a specific classroom, it is very important to review current room capacities on the OCM Room Search. Below is an example scenario of when a requested room capacity exceeds the actual room capacity, so the request cannot be made.

Scenario: You have a class that wants to meet in Tate B50 to utilize the Demo Bench in the room. The class has an Enrollment Capacity of 240 and a Requested Room Capacity of 255. 

This class will not be placed into Tate B50 because according to OCM Room Search, the actual room capacity of Tate B50 is 252.

Auto-generated course sites in Canvas for fall 2019

Canvas sites for the fall 2019 term (1199) will start being created on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. At that time, all active courses in PeopleSoft for fall 2019 will be created and instructors enrolled. Going forward after that date, new additions will be updated hourly from PeopleSoft.

Schedulers, please note the following Schedule of Classes input fields that impact Canvas:
  • Acad org
  • Subject
  • Catalog number
  • Section number
  • Instructor
  • Grade Access
Visit the OIT website for more information on Canvas course site dates. Questions about Canvas can be sent to canvas@umn.edu.

Use the Auto Enroll from Waitlist checkbox in CCS for summer and fall 2019

As a reminder, the Auto Enroll from Waitlist checkbox must be checked on both the enrollment and non-enrollment sections of your class for it to be included in the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process. CCS schedulers can find this checkbox on the UM CCS Maintain Schedule of Classes page > Enrollment Control tab.

The checked box serves the following two functions:
  • Triggers the Auto Enroll from Waitlist process if a seat is available.
  • Gives priority to students on the waitlist, so open seats are not taken by other students (before Auto Enroll from Waitlist runs).

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring 2019 (1193) final exams

The spring 2019 final exam schedule for general purpose classrooms is now available for review in Astra Schedule. Please forward room locations to instructors to ensure they know the location of their final exam.

Be sure to check your department's classes for accuracy. Email the Scheduling Unit at ocmsched@umn.edu as soon as possible if you notice any of the following:
  • An exam scheduled for a class that does not require a room 
  • An exam missing for a class that should have had one scheduled
  • An exam scheduled at a time or place you did not expect
To review your department's final exams, please follow the steps below:
  1. Sign into Astra Schedule with your University internet ID and password in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the “Academics” tab located in the top navigation menu.
  3. Click on the “Sections” link at the top of the page.
  4. Update the filters in the left column as follows:
    1. Is Exam = Yes
    2. Term = Spring 2019
    3. SubjectS= Select the subject(s) you schedule
    4. Campus = Mpls/St Paul
  5. Click “Search” at the bottom of the filter column.
  6. To save your filter selections for future use, click on the save button next to “Search” at the bottom of the filter column on the left.
  7. Export the list to Excel by using the icon located in the middle of the bottom of the page.
Common exam room assignments are available to review separately.

Want a few extra tips and tricks for getting around in Astra Academics? Check out the resources available on ASR’s system support page under Astra Schedule. Please contact ocmsched@umn.edu if you still have questions on how to review your final exams.

Final exam policy resources:

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Make final changes to May/summer 2019 (1195) classes prior to registration starts

It is imperative to make final changes to summer 2019 classes prior to registration. Changes after registration has occurred may have a detrimental effect on students. For degree-seeking students, summer 2019 registration opens March 7, 2019.

Submit the following changes directly through ECAS:
  • Credit changes
  • Grading base changes of any kind
  • Drop consent required
  • Career changes
  • Repeat allowance updates
  • Component changes
  • Adding topics courses
To make the following changes, email ocmsched@umn.edu:
  • Change the number of credits for which a class is offered, from a variable number to a set number within the range
Meeting pattern, requested room feature, instructor, and enrollment capacity changes should all continue to be made in CCS.
For classes that are not planned to be offered, cancellations should be made directly in CCS during CCS Open Initial Build. If a cancellation needs to occur after students have enrolled, email ocmsched@umn.edu. ASR formally reviews class changes made post-enrollment. Many changes are not able to be accommodated after students are enrolled.

Housekeeping tip for Astra event schedulers

Events in Astra Schedule must have an event status of “Scheduled” in order for them to appear on the Astra calendars. Events with a status of “Incomplete” (i.e., those missing Event Type, Customer, Customer Contact, or a room assignment on any meeting) will not display on the calendars, making the room appear available. Therefore, if you attempt to book that room for another event, you will find the room is actually unavailable, because the “Incomplete” event is holding the room.

When creating events, schedulers should take a moment to ensure the event record status is “Scheduled” and the event displays on the calendars. Additionally, schedulers can proactively find and resolve“Incomplete” events they may have unintentionally created by filtering for “Incomplete” events. Instructions for how to find incomplete events in Astra are available at the Astra iCoP website.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Fall 2019 (1199) scheduling is in progress

CCS Open Initial Build for fall 2019 (1199) closes February 28, 2019, so we can make central room assignments. Please make any changes by the end of the day Wednesday, February 27, 2019.

Prior to CCS closing, make sure to do the following:
  1. Work with your faculty and instructors to obtain updated information for the term.
  2. Update class information using the CCS pages in PeopleSoft.
    • Cancel class sections that will not be offered this term.
    • Set realistic enrollment limits and requested room capacities (+/- 10% of last year’s enrollments)
    • Input instructor information and grade access in CCS.
    • Adjust non-standard class meeting times to a standard time.
    • Review classes outside of the Regular Session to make sure it is in the appropriate academic session (remember that classes in the extended regular session are typically not financial aid eligible).
    • Indicate the required room characteristics (technology, seating styles, etc.) needed to facilitate teaching and learning by using the room characteristic codes accessible in the meeting pattern page of CCS.
    • Email ocmsched@umn.edu to add facility ROOM000TBA or NOROOMREQD to all class meeting patterns that will not require any room assignment or that will meet in a small office space.
    • Use Astra Schedule to assign departmental classrooms and labs directly to class sections.
  3. Review the Class Scheduling Distribution Summary Report to assess department/college compliance with distribution of meeting times (no more than 3% in any standard time block) and distribution of meeting patterns (no more than 50% meeting on Tuesday/Thursday).
  4. Avoid scheduling class sections in high demand periods/days.

OCM annual report

The 2018 Year in Review for OCM is available on our annual reports and survey page. In the past year, 11,079 classes were scheduled in OCM’s 393 learning spaces, and 39,705 total classes were scheduled system-wide! Featured projects include the Bruininks Hall update and a partnership with the Carlson School of Management. Check out the 2018 report for more numbers and project details.

Special clarification on the Thursday-Wednesday final exam week schedule for Spring 2019 (1193)

The first day of spring 2019 final exams is Thursday, May 9. All classes that meet on Thursdays at 4:00 p.m or later in a general purpose classroom (GPC) will be scheduled for a final exam on Thursday, May 9, 2019. This includes classes that meet multiple days of the week, such as Tuesday/Thursday classes, Monday/Thursday classes, and Monday-Thursday classes. Go to the final exam times page for more information on evening class final exam scheduling.

View the previous blog post for more information on final exam scheduling for spring 2019 (1193).

Astra Schedule Academics

Astra Schedule Academics is available to add departmental spaces directly to your classes for the following terms:
  • May/summer 2019 and Fall 2019For May/summer 2019 and fall 2019, room assignments made in Astra Schedule will be reflected in the Class Schedule the same day.
  • Spring 2020 (will be available on 3/18/2019) Please note that Spring 2020 classrooms and labs assigned to classes in Astra Schedule will not be reflected in the Class Schedule until the following day. Likewise, class changes made in CCS will not be reflected in Astra Schedule until the following day. 
How-to-guides for Astra Academics are available on the ASR Training & Support resources site listed under Astra Schedule.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Final exam scheduling for spring 2019 (1193)

Final exam scheduling for spring 2019 will begin soon. If a class will hold its final exam as indicated on the University final exam schedule in its regular general purpose classroom, there is no need for you to contact us. Your final exam will be scheduled centrally.

If a class is not holding an in-person exam during finals week
(Thursday, May 9 – Wednesday, May 15, 2019) please email ocmsched@umn.edu by February 18, 2019.
  • Use the subject line “Spring 2019 Final Exam” 
  • Include the designator/section number(s) in the email text
Due to the high demand for larger classrooms for finals week, it is especially helpful to know when a large class will not need a classroom for a final exam.

If a class is requesting a change to the date and time of an exam, or to change or add a location to an exam, submit a Final Exam Change Request form by February 18. You will automatically receive a copy of your final exam change request, and when final exam scheduling is completed, you will receive an email confirmation of the outcome. While the Office of Classroom Management (OCM) does its best to accommodate special requests, there is a possibility that your request may not be fulfilled.


  • If a class is on the pre-approved Common Exams list for the semester, a Final Exam Change Request form must still be submitted in order to assign appropriate classrooms.
  • Event requests for classrooms during finals week are held as tentative and not scheduled until after the completion of final exam scheduling. Submitting an event request for a classroom needed for a final exam does NOT increase the likelihood that the room will be available for you.

Final exam resources:

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Preparing for the start of term

With January 22 quickly approaching, ASR is asking students, faculty, and staff to prepare in advance for the start of the term. Faculty and instructors received a welcome message from OCM. In it, they are encouraged to record their classroom assignments in advance and minimize any room change requests. Students will also be encouraged to record their schedule in advance. Because of this, consider sending an email to the students in a class if there is a change in the week before the term starts.  

You may also want to consider having a hard copy of your classroom assignments available to reference in case there is an unexpected system issue the first week of term.

Class cancellation policy and spring 2019 deadlines

The last day for spring 2019 class cancellations is January 28, 2019. According to the Course Enrollment Limits and Cancellation policy , colleges (and sometimes departments) maintain policies regarding low-enrollment course sections. Sections may not be canceled after the fifth day of classes for the term. Each college has its own guidelines for canceling low enrollment classes on its website. University best practice is to cancelas early as possible once a decision has been made to ensure impacted students will have an opportunity to register for an alternate class.

For spring 2019 class cancellations:

If there is no enrollment, cancel the class directly in CCS. This will ensure the room assignment is released and the class is accurately displayed on the Class Schedule. Changing the enrollment capacity to zero and checking the “no print” box in CCS will not release the classroom assignment nor cancel the class. 

If there are students enrolled, notify ocmsched@umn.edu for cancellations and follow collegiate policies. OCM will cancel the class and an automated email will be sent to enrolled students. We still encourage departments to send an email directly to students to let them know of the cancellation and to encourage alternate class options. 

Make final changes to variable credit/grading basis

With the spring semester beginning soon, it is imperative to make final changes to classes requiring set credits and/or changes to grade basis. After the term has begun, the grading basis and the number of credits for a class cannot be altered.

If you need to change the number of credits for a class from a variable number to a set number, email ocmsched@umn.edu. If you need to make a change to the grading basis of a course, submit it directly through ECAS.

Setting end dates for reserve capacity

Remember to set an end date for reserve capacity requirement groups for spring 2019. The end date should be set to the Friday before the start of the term or earlier. Review the guidelines for reserved seats >>

If reserved seats have not been previously released by departments, ASR will release all reserved seats on the Friday before the first day of class each semester (January 18, 2019 for spring 2019 semester).

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Welcome back - 3 steps to be ready for the semester

The Office of Classroom Management (OCM) welcomes you to the start of the spring 2019 semester! We recommend taking the following 3 steps to best prepare:

Step 1: Confirm your classroom
Go to the Teaching tab of MyU now to locate your room assignments. We encourage you to record your room assignment before the start of the term when we experience a high volume of traffic in the system. We ask students to do the same, so please minimize any room change requests. While in MyU, you can also access and print your class roster (view class roster how-to guide).

Step 2: Check your tech
Use Room Search to learn about the features, layout, and equipment in your classroom. Classroom equipment instructions are available to show you how to use the equipment in your classroom.

Step 3: Know your resources
OCM is available to help with questions about general purpose classrooms, scheduling, and central student study spaces. You can also request hands-on training or orientation for classroom equipment and technology.

We answer calls Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Messages left at the hotline after hours are monitored by an on-call manager.
All OCM classrooms are equipped with ADA compliant tables and chairs. We work with the Disability Resource Center to accommodate student needs and ask for your help in ensuring the furniture is available for those who need it.

We wish you a great start to the semester!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Make final changes to spring 2019 classes by Tuesday, January 15

It is imperative to make final changes to classes as soon as possible. Late class changes can negatively impact student financial aid eligibility, retention, and degree progress. It is the department’s responsibility to make changes prior to this deadline.

Changes that should be made by January 15 for spring 2019 (1193) include the following:
  • Credit changes of any kind (e.g., reduction, addition, variable to set, set to variable, etc.)
  • Grading basis changes of any kind (e.g., A-F only to S-N only, S-N to A-F only, etc.)
  • Class cancellations
  • Career changes
  • Repeat allowance updates
  • Component changes

After January 15, ASR will formally review each spring 2019 class change request. Many changes are not able to be directly accommodated after students are enrolled and financial aid has been disbursed.

How do I make the change requests?
Changing credits

  • If choosing a set number of credits for a variable credit class, request your changes by emailing ocmsched@umn.edu.
  • If a reduction or addition to course credits needs to be made, submit your changes through ECAS.
Changing grade basis, career, component, and/or repeat allowances
  • Submit your changes through ECAS.
Canceling a class with low enrollment
  1. Change the Class Status to “Stop Further Enrollment” (on the Enrollment Control tab of CCS).
  2. Notify all enrolled students directly and offer alternate options.
  3. Email ocmsched@umn.edu to process your cancellation (and drop students). Note: If your college requires collegiate approval for cancellation with low enrollment, also refer to your college procedures.
Canceling a class with zero enrollment
  1. Change the Class Status to “Cancelled Section” (on the Enrollment Control tab of CCS).